Explaining OSOV the social media KPI

We love social media, it allows us to engage in an online …

SimpleKPI Icon By Paulo De Sousa

2 Minute Read

We love social media, it allows us to engage in an online conversation with our users and learn what we’re doing right. More importantly it also lets us find out what we're not so good at. The more we tweet and blog, the more we learn about what our customers like, want and ultimately need SimpleKPI to do.

We are a great fan of monitoring our ‘Online Share of voice’ (OSOV) – the collective opinions of positive, negative and neutral comments that we hear. Many companies now see the benefits of monitoring their OSOV, both in terms of short term feedback such as new product launches or long term goals of brand value perception.

Collecting this data is not as difficult as you might think. All the hard work is handled by a growing number of tools such as Radian 6, Brandwatch and Lithium that allow you to get at the data you need.

Then it’s just a simple case of adding your new OSOV KPI to your SimpleKPI account, this can then be refined to show positive, neutral and negative values against your competition.

Paulo De Sousa portrait

by Paulo De Sousa

Paulo writes on the technical side of KPI Tracking. He is a co-founder of SimpleKPI and has worked in the development and SaaS field for over 20 years. He is passionate about helping businesses make data-driven decisions through the use of data, reports, and analytics. With his deep understanding of business intelligence tools, he's adept at providing solutions that can help businesses reach their goals.

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