The latest SimpleKPI Product Update

Using indicators to guide decisions is a critical part of performance management …

SimpleKPI Icon By Paulo De Sousa

2 Minute Read
Traffic light update blog image

Introducing colour coded KPI performance.

Using indicators to guide decisions is a critical part of performance management. To help you better understand how your KPIs are performing we've added ‘threshold indicators’ for a more intuitive way to monitor your KPI performance.

The new Traffic light based indicators instantly signal KPI performance and alert users in real time to key changes in your metrics. These indicators can be used in graphs such as the individual or single KPI chart, in reports across users to show RAG across users or in analytics to compare RAG performance. All designed to highlight your KPI performance more efficiently.

Some other notable changes and fixes:

  • 2 New Reports added to standard reports
  • Added direction indicators to excel exports
  • Added the choice of '% of target' or '% variance' in the system settings.


For a closer look at the latest new features, jump into your account. As always we would love to hear what you think.

More performance insights, Templates and KPIs can be found by visiting KPI Central.

Paulo De Sousa portrait

by Paulo De Sousa

Paulo writes on the technical side of KPI Tracking. He is a co-founder of SimpleKPI and has worked in the development and SaaS field for over 20 years. He is passionate about helping businesses make data-driven decisions through the use of data, reports, and analytics. With his deep understanding of business intelligence tools, he's adept at providing solutions that can help businesses reach their goals.

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